Saturday, April 14, 2012

K is for Kali

Kali is the Hindu Goddess of Awakening. She is sometimes seen as a violent deity and is often depicted in the throes of bloody acts. She is a Tantric Warrior! In art, she is black or blue, has four, six or eight arms, and inevitably is surrounded with at least one sword and severed head*!

 Kali Destroys to Create. 

Kali is the force of transformative change. She is the bringer of life through death. Her path is strewn with with annihilation that is both necessary and pained. She is the consort of Lord Shiva and many times is portrayed in artwork standing on his chest! Seen in the nude she is free from illusions put on by others! Needless to say, her image is not one of sugar and spice. 
Alternatively, she can elicit quite an uncomfortable response, much like her energetic influence does.

 She is my favorite Goddess. 

She cuts away the unnecessary influences- and not gently, mind you! She does not quietly close the door to open a window, she smashed the wall in order to let the elements in.
If you are stuck in a rut either mentally or emotionally, call upon her powers to help you change that, but know, it will be a dramatic change. Personally, if I notice I need a change, it is usually after a while has gone by and I am in dire effort I seek that change, so her level of intensity is welcomed.

Kali energy is not for every circumstance though. Calling upon her for help gives you some pretty strong mojo, so be careful what you ask for! You just may get it!

In the right setting, Kali can infuse you with the strength to claim your own power to change (through destruction,) but only if those changes are truly intended out of need, from your heart, or YOU will be the recipient of her destruction!
Like any majik, calling upon powerful spirit energies must be done with the utmost intention of purest heart and soul. Any intent of spirit done out of malice or for personal gain will surely result in negative results, mark my word!

So what would one call upon Kali for? Kali is a dear friend and mentor when you need to break a bad habit. Perhaps you are addicted to a negative person, behavior, substance or way of thinking- and it is taking it's toll, literally ruining you, quickly or slowly- that is a perfect time to ask for Kali to help. She shows you how to wield a scimitar to slay your own dragons, teaches the proper moves, then hands you one of your very own!

*Swords represent air, the mental realm- and in Kali's case, her sword represents Knowledge. The severed head is the human aspect, the ego which must be slain to make way for the creative energy to flow in.

Creation Destruction Creation Destruction Creation Destruction Creation Destruction Creation Destruction Creation Destruction Creation Destruction Creation Destruction Creation Destruction Creation Destruction Creation Destruction Creation Destruction Creation Destruction Creation Destruction Creation Destruction Creation Destruction Creation Destruction Creation Destruction Creation Destruction Creation Destruction Creation Destruction Creation Destruction Creation Destruction Creation Destruction Creation Destruction Creation Destruction Creation Destruction

 Such is life.  


  1. I ran across this so-called goddess when one of my students had a religion assignment, and a rather lengthy one at that. It was instructive to me as I wasn't aware of how many gods and goddesses the religion has, nor aware of their festivals. One thing I did not was that the religion is certainly a colorful one. Thanks for expounding on this goddess.

    1. Thanks Jeremy! I enjoy studying Goddesses and Iconography in relation to our human belief systems, as both an intellectual endeavor as well as a spiritual structure! I'm curious what you teach...

  2. As a teen, my Hindu friend Neelam had a picture of Kali directly over her bed. I use to stare at it in fascination but was also frightened by the violent images depicted.

    To this day, she still scares the heck out of me but in reading this, she has taken on an iconic figure to women, creativity, change and strength. I could certainly do with the power of Kali right now. Amazing post.

    1. Kali is amazing!!! I always wanted to create a Kali costume for myself, but where to begin?!?!? She is one complex mama!


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